Check out the workshops held by the DOMINO project!
Webinar on genome-scale modelling for consortia design
On Tuesday, May 28th (2024), a webinar on genome-scale modelling (GSM) was hosted by the INRAE team of DOMINO: Elham Karimi, Stephane Chaillou (from the Micalis Food Microbial Ecology research group), and Valentin Loux (MaIAge). The event was aimed at scientists from diverse backgrounds to foster collaboration across two major Work Packages (WPs) in DOMINO: developing open-access databases and computational tools (WP3) and designing microbial consortia for sustainable plant-based fermented foods (WP4).
GSM is set to play a key role in the DOMINO project, guiding the design of microbial solutions for plant-based fermented food products. The project will leverage metagenomic and genomic data from samples and strains collected at the beginning of the project to shape this innovative and challenging approach.
More details on INRAE’s website
DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods
From June 24th to 26th, 2024, INRAE hosted a workshop focused on genome-scale modelling (GSM) for designing microbial communities. The event was led by researchers from INRAE’s MaiAge and Micalis departments as part of the DOMINO project, and it built upon a previous GSM webinar held in May.
This workshop brought together scientists working on two key aspects of the DOMINO project: (a) developing an open food microbiome database and (b) designing microbial solutions for plant-based fermented foods. It also provided an opportunity to align methodologies with the French ANR project Metasimfood, to those being developed DOMINO.
More details on INRAE’s website
Workshop on FAIR omics data in the M4SF cluster of European Horizon Europe projects
During the 1st Food System Conference 2024 in Torino, Stéphane Chaillou (INRAE), coordinator of the DOMINO project, organised collaborative workshop with the Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF) cluster of Horizon Europe projects. Held on May 17th, the workshop was titled “FAIR and Standardised Data Generation in the Microbes4SustainableFoods Cluster.”
The focus of the workshop was on generating, using, and storing omics data in alignment with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. Over the next four years, the M4SF cluster will produce large volumes of omics data, including metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics, from thousands of plant-based fermented food samples and soil microbiomes, such as those from wheat and olive crops.
The discussions with the M4SF cluster focused on ensuring that this data, and the associated metadata, are standardised and interoperable across the various projects’ databases. The workshop sparked joint efforts between the participating projects to streamline data management, ensuring a collaborative and efficient approach to omics research.
More details on INRAE’s website
DOMINO Workshop for Living Labs
On November 30th and December 1st (2023), a workshop for the DOMINO Living-Labs (LL) took place at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam). Organised by Pim Klaassen, Anne van der Geest and Camilla Bodewes, the workshop brought together DOMINO researchers and scientists from diverse backgrounds. The event marked the planning of the first steps for implementing these labs, where future LL coordinators received intensive training on how to facilitate focus group discussions. The workshop also offered an opportunity for young PhD students within the project to gain valuable training in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practices.
The DOMINO Living-Labs, focusing on plant-based fermented foods and their impact on human health and food system sustainability, are now gaining momentum across 6 European countries. This initiative aligns with broader goals in the Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF) cluster and the Food2030 Network, presenting exciting opportunities for collaboration and innovation in sustainable food systems.
More details on INRAE’s website