
DOMINO will create several resources about the project and its outcomes.


Celebrating World Microbiome Day 2024

This year to celebrate #WorldMicrobiomeDay, we are sharing some resources from the DOMINO project and its collaborative initiatives! The theme of 2024 was “Feed your microbes – How diet shapes your gut microbiome”. Dive in to the information below to learn more about how microbiomes play an important role for our health and everyday lives.

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Microbiome Ambassador Campaign

The #MicrobiomeAmbassador campaign highlights researchers from EU-Funded projects that advocate for the microbiome. Through this campaign, we see the faces behind the research, and get a glimpse into why the microbiome is important for them. Meet our Microbiome Ambassadors from the DOMINO project!

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From kimchi to kefir: why ancient wisdom on food fermentation remains good for our gut

Learn about the ancient wisdom about fermented foods! Read all about it in the Positive News article guided by Rain Kuldjärv, a food researcher at TFTAK, author & project partner of the DOMINO project.

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Fermented foods: What are they, and what is their impact on our health?

Fermented foods have been consumed around the world for centuries. Today, they endure in kitchens, restaurants and markets, where an estimated 5000 types of fermented foods are eaten worldwide, making up 5-40% of human diets. As certain foods and beverages such as sourdough bread and kombucha rise in popularity and receive trend-worthy recognition, it begs the question: what exactly are fermented foods, and are they good for our health?

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Introducing #Microbes4SustainableFoods: EU Funded Project Cluster

DOMINO is a part of a group of EU funded projects under the name Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF). This cluster is made up of 5 projects: TRIBIOME, WHEATBIOME, HEALTHFERM and PIMENTO Cost Action. Together, these projects share a commitment to advance sustainable food systems, health and environmental resilience.

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Monitoring the yeasts ecology and volatiles profile throughout the spontaneous fermentation of Taggiasca cv. table olives through culture-dependent and independent methods

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DOMINO Newsletter #2

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Autumn pickled colorful vegetables in jars placed in line

Fermented foods, their microbiome and its potential in boosting human health

This review aims to sum up the knowledge about traditional fermented foods (FFs) and their associated microbiomes, outlining the role of fermentation with respect to boosting nutritional profiles and attempting to establish a link between FF consumption and health-beneficial outcomes.

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Fermented foods – infographic

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Domino – poster

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Produced in support of World Pulses Day, 10 February 2024 – WPD 2024.

Celebrating World Pulses Day: A Spotlight on Fermented Pulses with HEALTHFERM & DOMINO

Since 2018, on February 10th the United Nations (UN) celebrates World Pulses Day, a global event designed to raise public awareness about the environmental significance and nutritional benefits of pulses. Applying the art of fermentation to pulses not only elevates the culinary experience but also contributes further to pave the way for healthier and more sustainable food systems.

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Domino – Leaflet

Check out the latest DOMINO leaflet to know more about the project!

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Gut Health & Fermented Foods – An Emerging Factor for Health and Disease Prevention?

The human microbiome, a community of more than 50 trillion bacteria and many more living microorganisms settled in and on our bodies, represents a pandora box of great mysteries. While a clear definition of a “healthy microbiome” does not yet exist, diversity has emerged as one major factor that enables the microbiome to support the immune system, provide nutrients and in some cases prevent certain diseases. Overall, these microorganisms play an important role in our lives and in the way our bodies function.

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The past, present, and future of fermented foods

From the spicy kick of kimchi, the sour tang of creamy milk kefir, to the satisfying crust of sourdough bread, these culinary treats are as diverse as they are delicious. Countless fermented products like these have been a part of human culture for centuries and are a testament to the ancient art of fermentation. Today, their role in our diets and cultures has evolved and diversified, and fermented foods are becoming increasingly recognised for their roles in contributing to human health and more sustainable food systems.

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DOMINO Newsletter #1

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The power of fermented foods: Levers for healthier and sustainable nutrition

Consumers are expressing a clear demand for healthier and more sustainable food options. In response to this growing trend, fermented foods have re-emerged as a promising solution to meet these expectations. In this article, we delve into the vast potential of fermentation, exploring what role fermented foods could play in shaping a more sustainable and nutritious food landscape.

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